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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Merriam-Webster Open Dictionary

I was jus stumbling thru the net and i came across Merriam-Webster open dictionary..... For those of u who doesn't know wat is Merriam-Webster about.... Check it out here... Official Website.. and here... Wikipedia:Merriam-Webster...

Pown (verb) : A computer term, to beat.

The player just powned that monster.
sneat (adjective) : super neat
What a sneat idea!

linner (noun) : Lunch and dinner combined into one.
Since the couple wasn't that hungry for lunch and dinner seperately, they ate linner instead.

crumbage (noun) : trash matter found between sofa cushions, both crumby and needing to go in the garbage

There is crumbage between these cushions.
slottery (noun) : Being robbed by a vending machine.
He was a victim of slottery.

hairborne (adjective) : when your hair doesn't do what you want it to do
rainbowafied (adjective) : excessively colorful
The miniskirt was so rainbowafied.
scriptease (noun) : online flirting

(noun) : a ball of fuzz
You have a fuzzle stuck to your shirt.